Pharell Announced As Chief Brand Officer For Doodles NFTs

The pretty popular NFT project known as Doodle recently announced at the NFT conference held in New York City that the famous Pharell William, musician and a producer by profession, will be joining their new project, which is funded by the capital venture firm known as Seven Seven Six. 


Williams will be given the post of Chief Brand Officer after his experience of coming out with an NFT gallery of his own called the GODA project. With this role, he will be adding a touch of music and artwork to the NFT creations and promotions that go through with the company. 


William had first spoken about how he adored the brand, and once selected as the CBO, he further talked about what his plans were regarding Doodle and how he’d bring the company to new heights. 


He will also serve as an executive producer having relevant experience in that field; he will be producing some Doodle-inspired music labeled in different volumes as a collab with Columbia Records. 


This music will be accessible for streaming on many platforms but can only be sold as an NFT. Moreover, the album created by doodle is expected to be bundled with other NFT collectibles that aren’t announced yet.