Christian Conscience and War Every 

Christian denomination acknowledges that conscience is not a perfect indicator of right and wrong.They are aware that conscience can slumber, be distorted, or completely vanish.It can't, without capability, be known as the voice of God.civil war pensions

The topic is brought up a number of times in the New Testament.Jesus predicted that the murderers of his disciples would eventually believe they were carrying out God's will (Jn.16:2).He said that in the day of judgment, many people who thought they had led good lives will be shocked to learn that they were iniquitous workers (Mt. 7:23;25:44).

In 1 Timothy, St. Paul refers to consciences that have been "seared."4:2), "corrupted" (Titus 1:15), or simply weak (Colossians 1:5)8:7), and numerous other passages suggest that even a converted Christian's conscience does not always function appropriately.Paul, an honest man, was never entirely certain that his own conscience was completely trustworthy.He stated, "I am not thereby acquitted because I am not aware of anything against myself."4:4).We all need to be aware of this doubt.

If we pay too much attention to what other people say and do, our conscience can easily be distorted or destroyed.As a result, the Christian is instructed not to, regardless of whether it is right or wrong, follow the example of those around him.St. Paul urges us to "prove (test) what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable," rather than "be conformed to this world."12:2).He asserts that those who "measure themselves with one another" lack understanding (2 Cor.10:12).We cannot act "to please men, but to please God who tests our hearts" as Christians (1 Thess.2:4).The scribes and Pharisees are the men-pleasers in the New Testament; they prefer worldly honor and prestige to God's praise (Jn.5:44 etc.).They should not be emulated by Christians.

The New Testament is based on this teaching.The Christian should observer to Christ, ready for derision and mistreatment, since his principles are not those of the world.

Even though the majority of people in today's society give this teaching from the New Testament lip service, they miss the point.In order to keep up with the Joneses, they compete with one another for better clothes, cars, houses, furniture, and jewelry.Everywhere we look, we can see how society is structured so that people will always do what is expected of them.Conscience goes to sleep rather than being influenced by the Christian gospel, and even though we are Christians, many of us become worldly before we realize what is happening.
Is the willingness of Christians to use violence yet another example of the conscience's slumber?This is at least a possibility, even though we haven't said anything to suggest it.